Our third AGM, held on Wednesday 5 December 2024, was once again hosted by Shift Espresso Bar on Deer Park Drive.

Chairperson Jo-Anne Friedlander reviewed DPVO’s main activities for the financial year 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024. We held a successful Mandela Day donation drive, and we continue our partnership with Streetscapes and the street cleaning team, which have made very visible changes to the streets of Devil’s Peak, Vredehoek and Gardens. After introducing a roster of streets across Devil’s Peak and Vredehoek to help with planning, the team filled more than 1000 refuse bags of rubbish and debris from gutters, streets and our parks over the year! They also cleaned up graffiti from sign posts, poles and walls in the area.

The Public Employment Programme funding from the National Government came to the end of its three-year cycle on 30 June 2024. As a result, DPVO began a fundraising campaign to cover the stipends for a three-person cleaning team.

Following Jo-Anne’s overview, our Treasurer Jonathan Clark reviewed our financial statements. He pointed out that just 65 residents contributing R150 a month would be enough to secure the cleaning team’s jobs for the year ahead.

Jonathan then presented a ‘green audit’ concentrating on two areas in Vredehoek where residents have started to plant pavement gardens and beautify the streets. DPVO would like to encourage this activity by offering residents the opportunity to book the cleaning team to help establish and maintain these gardens in return for a donation towards their stipends.

Streetscapes reported on their activities during the period being reviewed.

Chantel Sampson and Marlize Richter then facilitated a Question and Answer session on the topic of whether to give or not to people asking for money on the street.

Consensus was that it is humane to give but it is also acceptable not to do so if you don’t wish to or are not able to. An alternative to giving money would be to keep a few tins of canned food at hand to give instead.

DPVO’s plans for 2025 include:

  • Better coordination with the street cleaning team.
  • Improved communication with residents about the cleaning team as well as issues around homelessness.
  • Looking at ways for Streetscapes workers to be hired as gardeners, and promoting the street garden initiative
  • Assistance with the Streetscapes monthly market to include residents who would like to sell goods at the market.
  • Growing the volunteer team and improving fundraising efforts.

Thank you to everyone who has supported DPVO’s activities during the year.

We welcome ideas from residents. If you would like to be become involved, please get in touch via info@dpvoutreach.org.za.

You can find a copy of our annual report here.