In the second half of May 2023 the Streetscapes street cleaning team added another valuable skill to their list: cleaning graffiti!
The team joined a group of trainers from Straatwerk, which has developed a way to clean unwanted graffiti in the city’s streets. Clint Porter and Pandukai Mafunga of Straatwerk taught them about the theory of cleaning graffiti and the materials involved.
Then they went to acquire practical skills in the Green Point-Oranje Kloof area, under the supervision of Straatwerk’s Sarah Matipedza.
They learned how to lift graffiti off surfaces, how to cover graffiti which cannot be removed, mixing white paint with dyes to match the colour of the surface, and how to use cement wash to match plastered surfaces and Vibracrete walls.
They have practised their new skills and are now ready to go in our area.
“The team is so excited,” says DPV Outreach field worker Chantel Sampson. “They’ve learned so much.”
“It’s expertise we can use in the DPV area.”
So watch for the team cleaning up the graffiti in your street and if you see any graffiti that needs removing, please let us know –
Click and drag the sliders on the images below to see the incredible before and after images of the work the team are doing!