It was nice to meet you!

Thank you to all who popped in at the DPV Outreach Meet & Greet at the Streetscapes Rugley Road garden on Saturday 4 November! We were so happy to be joined by many residents from all housing backgrounds in DPV and nearby neighbourhoods, as well as friends from Gardens Watch and the new Ward Councillor, Francine Higham. We hope that, as a community, we can work together to find solutions to homelessness in our area.

DPV Outreach Meet and Greet

DPV Outreach Meet and Greet

In addition to enjoying a wonderful time and thoughtful conversations, many who came bought veggies from the garden. Thandi, the Streetscapes Social Auxiliary Worker at Rugley Road, reported that the garden made a month’s worth of sales in a single day. We think this is terrific and look forward to creating more opportunities like this!

A big thank you to:

  • Community members Jan and Zac, from Kingdom Hall, who organised a plug point for us,
  • Wongama from Department of Coffee,
  • Stefan, a neighbour who lives on the street in Gardens, for bringing beautiful artwork to sell,
  • and, of course, the Streetscapes team!
Wongama, Department of Coffee

Delicious coffee and hot chocolate supplied by Wongama from Department of Coffee

We encourage you to continue to support the Streetscapes Rugley Road Garden (entrance opposite the Engen on Buitenkant Street) by purchasing freshly picked, seasonal veggies at very affordable prices! The opening hours are:

  • Monday through Friday: 8am – 3:30pm
  • Saturday: 10am – 12pm

DPV Outreach Meet and Greet

DPV Outreach Meet and Greet